I am trying to read each cell of CSV and treat it as an input for the JQ command. Below is my code:
| Line |
|:---- |
| 11 |
| 22 |
| 33 |
Code to read CSV:
while read line
echo "Line is : $line"
done < line.csv
Line is 11
Line is 22
jq Command
jq 'select(.scan.line == '"$1"') | .scan.line,"|", .scan.service,"|", .scan.comment_1,"|", .scan.comment_2,"|", .scan.comment_3' linescan.json | xargs
I have a linescan.json which have values for line, service, comment_1, comment_2, comment_3
I want to read each value of csv and treat the input in jq query where $1 is mentioned.
Please advice
Given the input files and desired output:
- line.csv
- linescan.json
"scan": {
"line": 3389,
"service": "Linetest",
"comment_1": "Line is tested1",
"comment_2": "Line is tested2",
"comment_3": "Line is tested3"
- desired output:
Test2 | 3389 | Linetest | Line is tested1 | Line is tested2 | Line is tested3
Here's a solution with jq
This is a shot in the dark, as you didn't specify what your output should look like:
jq -sr --rawfile lineArr line.csv '
$lineArr | split("\n") | del(.[-1]) | .[] | split(",")
) as [$lineNum,$prefix] |
.[] | select(.scan.line == ($lineNum | tonumber)) |
] |
join(" | ")
' linescan.json
Update: with jq 1.5:
jq -sr --slurpfile lineArr <(jq -R 'split(",")' line.csv) '
($lineArr | .[]) as [$lineNum,$prefix] |
.[] | select(.scan.line == ($lineNum | tonumber)) |
(.scan.line | tostring),
] |
join(" | ")
' linescan.json
Answered By - Fravadona Answer Checked By - Gilberto Lyons (WPSolving Admin)