I want to download a file from iCloud. I can share a link to a file. However the file is not directly linked in the urls, but the "real" download url can be retrieved:
# given "<ID>#<Filename>
URL=$(curl '' \
--data-raw '{"shortGUIDs":[{"value":"$ID"}]}' --compressed \
jq -r '.results[0].rootRecord.fields.fileContent.value.downloadURL')
curl "$URL" -o myfile.ext
"fileContent" : {
"value" : {
"downloadURL" : ""
This is, however not working:
rl: (6) Could not resolve host: jq
curl: (3) nested brace in URL position 17:
"results" : [ {
"shortGUID" : {
"value" : "$ID",
"shouldFetchRootRecord" : true
"reason" : "shortGUID cannot be null or empty",
"serverErrorCode" : "BAD_REQUEST"
} ]
Any ideas, what I can do to make this work?
I solved it by installing jq and adding the ID directly instead of using $id
. Just installing jq was not sufficient.
brew install jq
# given "<ID>#<Filename>
URL=$(curl '' \
--data-raw '{"shortGUIDs":[{"value":"ID"}]}' --compressed | jq -r '.results[0].rootRecord.fields.fileContent.value.downloadURL')
Echo $url
curl "$URL" -o myfile.ext
Answered By - user18734668 Answer Checked By - Marie Seifert (WPSolving Admin)