I have a ffmpeg converter that converts videos into mp4's. After the conversion I want to delete the original video to save on file space.
I tried using unlink($file_path)
but it says permission denied.
So far the video converts and generates a thumbnail form the conversion.
$ffmpeg = 'ffmpeg';
$output = dirname(__DIR__).'/uploads/thumbs/'.$_file.'.jpg';
$input = dirname(__DIR__).'/uploads/'.$file;
$mov = new ffmpeg_movie($input);
$d = $mov->getDuration();
$iscopy = $mov->getCopyright();
$h = $mov->getFrameHeight();
$w = $mov->getFrameWidth();
$pos = ceil((int)$d /3);
$size = $w.'x'.$h;
$i = explode('.',$input);
$o = $i[0].'.mp4';
if(ceil($d) < 1200){
if($ext != 'mp4'){
$cmd = "ffmpeg -i $input -vcodec h264 -acodec aac -strict -2 $o";
$cmd = "ffmpeg -ss $pos -i $o -an -s $size $output";
$total_time += $pos;
$succedeed[] = array('name' => $name,'file' => 'thumbs/'.$_file.'.jpg', 'type' => 'mp4');
$failed[] = array('name' => $name, 'file' => $file, 'error' => 'Video length cannot exceed 20mins.');
The path to the file would be something like this:
I have tried this (question), this (question) and a lot of Googling, without success:
chdir($FilePath); // Comment this out if you are on the same folder
chown($FileName,465); //Insert an Invalid UserId to set to Nobody Owner; for instance 465
$do = unlink($FileName);
echo "The file was deleted successfully.";
} else { echo "There was an error trying to delete the file."; }
If I have read your question correctly, the following should work:
$FileName = "uploaded_file"
if (unlink($FileName))
echo ("$FileName has been deleted successfully. ");
echo ("The uploaded file has NOT been deleted.");
If it does not. You will have to change the ownership of the files during upload.
chmod($FileName, 0755);
Answered By - Laim McKenzie Answer Checked By - Marie Seifert (WPSolving Admin)