I am trying to use lisp in linux but I can not get the listener to work.
Using Eclipse's menu, in help -> install new software, I installed the dandelion plugin but every time I try to run lisp code, like (+ 1 2)
, something simple, I get the following errors:
Error in background evaluation Connection refused
Error initialising connection Connection refused
Starting eval server failed
Cannot run program "/home/michael/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.8_155965261/plugins/de.defmacro.dandelion.env.clisp.linux.x86_2.49.2/binary/environment_clisp_2.49.2": error=13, Permission denied
I have tried running the command
sudo chmod + /home/michael/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.8_155965261/plugins/de.defmacro.dandelion.env.clisp.linux.x86_2.49.2/binary/environment_clisp_2.49.2
Yet I see no output, the terminal just goes to the next new line. I am running a 64bit ubuntu version 14. I am pretty new to all this but I would like to use linux as my main OS as it is quite convenient for school. If anyone has ideas please let me know!
This answer will get the SBCL listener working in eclipse in linux using the Dandelion plugin.
What I had to do was tell my computer to show hidden files and folders. Manually navigate to
Right click on the executable and edit the permissions to allow me all read and write access. I did the same for
I restarted eclipse, ran the SBCL[1.1.10] listener and tested (+ 1 2)
I got the answer 3. I can not get the CLISP 2.49.2 listener working but just being able to develop in linux in lisp makes me quite happy and I hope this helps someone else down the line.
Answered By - Michael Miner Answer Checked By - Senaida (WPSolving Volunteer)