So I have a PHP file located in /var/www/html/test.php
and I have it run the code shell_exec('touch /home/pi/Desktop/test_file')
However, the webpage displays fine but when I check the apache log files, I always get permission denied. I understand that apache is running as www-data
user and my main user pi
probably have some permission clash (I'm new to this stuff).
I tried many options I found on-line, the most promising was here, which suggested I run the commands:
sudo chown -R pi:www-data /home/pi/Desktop
sudo chmod -R g+s /home/pi/Desktop
...but I still get permission denied. Can anyone please suggest what permissions I may need to still configure? I want to ensure security, but at the same time need my PHP file to be able to create new files. I used the Desktop as an example directory, but really I don't care which directory, I just need a directory. I tried touch
ing a file within /var/www/html
, but that was permission denied
as well. Thanks!
if your apache process is running as www-data, and the file ownership is pi:www-data, you probably need to run this chmod:
sudo chmod -R g+w /home/pi/Dekstop
First, setting the group as www-data won't matter if the files are not group writable. Mode 755 will ensure apache can read the files, but the www-data user would still not be able to write.
Secondly, using "g+w" adds group write without messing with any of the other bits. [644 becomes 664, and 755 becomes 775)]. This way you can safely adjust permissions recursively, without making files executable that shouldn't be.
Incidentally, sudo chmod g+s ...
is probably not what you want. That will instead set the sgid bit, and not the group write bit.
Answered By - Christopher Hunter Answer Checked By - Mildred Charles (WPSolving Admin)