Friday, April 15, 2022

[SOLVED] Whats the difference between request_spot_instances and create_instances with InstanceMarketOptions


Why is there request_spot_instances when it seems like you can do the same thing with create_instances by specifying InstanceMarketOptions? (In the AWS API that's RequestSpotInstances vs RunInstances)

Followup: How do you get the spot request id from create_instances?


They are very simillar, but RunInstances can create spot request only for a single instance type. For example, t2.micro.

RequestSpotInstances is much more general and versatile. This is because you can make spot request for a fleet of instances. This means that your one spot request can contain numerous instance types, e.g. t2.micro, m4.medium, t3.large, or even more general that this, like create any instance type which has 1GB<RAM<10GB and 2<CPU<16.

Answered By - Marcin
Answer Checked By - Mildred Charles (WPSolving Admin)