Tuesday, April 12, 2022

[SOLVED] I can't ssh to Raspberry Pi, even if I created empty ssh file


I have a new Raspberry Pi Zero WH, and I can't ssh to it no matter how I try

I have done following steps

  1. Using rpi-imager I have etched "Debian Bullseye with Desktop" to a brand new SD card
  2. Using ctrl+shift+x I have selected enable SSH, locale details, and Wi-Fi details
  3. After the /boot volume is created, I have added empty file named ssh to /media/myUserName/boot and a wpa_supplicant.conf with correct data
  4. Ejected the SD card and implanted it in Raspberry Pi
  5. Connected Raspberry Pi to power. Wait until LED is no longer flashing (and then 20 mins, just in case).
  6. Using router client, I found the IP address of the Raspberry Pi (let's say I set it as reserved IP. I notice that the device is listed as unknown and not as raspberrypi, not sure if this is relevant
  7. Using ping I verified that PI is there

Now ssh [email protected] should connect to the Pi, but all I get is ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

I have successfully used this computer to ssh outside of my local network before. I haven't changed any settings (that I know of) since. I have tried from a different computer (running Windows), same error.

All answers I could find recommended step 3, but that didn't help me. What are my options now?


The device you're trying to connect is mostlikely not the raspberry pi as the step your describe seems good but the device is named unknown. If you don't see it on your router, it probably didn't connect to the Wifi.

For the first connection I would advise using a wired connection, so you are sure that the network connection is established and stable.

Answered By - vinalti
Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (WPSolving Admin)