I'm trying to match a certain field and update its data from a file delimited with multiple characters. I'm using this to create an imitation of SQL's UPDATE. This is part of a bigger project to create a mini DBMS with bash.
What I tried:
sed "s/\^\_\^/:/g" $file_path | cut -d: -f1 | grep -nw SAR | sed "s/\^\_\^/:/g" | cut -d: -f2 | sed -i "s/$match/$update/g"
My issue is I am unable to use sed -i
to update only these specific columns found as you can't pipe into it.
The delimiter being used is : ^_^
Example of data file:
my $match
can be SAR
for example and $update
would be USD
Expected change to data file
If there is a different approach that is better, that is also welcome as I am fairly new to bash scripting.
Better to use awk
awk -v s="'SAR'" -v q="'USD'" -F'\\^_\\^' -v OFS='^_^' '$1==s {$1=q} 1' file
-v s="'SAR'"
sets command line variables='SAR'
-v q="'USD'"
sets command line variables='USD'
-F '\\^_\\^'
sets input field separator as^_^
. We need to escape^
as that is a special regex meta character and we need to double escape it because we're using it in a string that is later converted to a regexp (field separator).-v OFS='^_^'
sets output field separator to^_^
$1 == s
compares first field to'SAR'
$1 = q
to variable'USD'
Answered By - anubhava Answer Checked By - Marie Seifert (WPSolving Admin)