I am trying to setup cryptodice, but to so the setup, I need on 2 files chmod 777! Well, those 2 files are: inc/db-conf.php
and inc/driver-conf.php
So I executed this command: find /CryptoDice -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \;
this should set every file in the directory to chmod 777. But when I reload te page. It still says that it is not write able. How can I fix this?
I know that it is not good to have that chmod 777. I would like to set that to the default again after the install, so it will be secure again.
How can I fix this?
From the install instructions at:
3) Change to the inc/ directory and change the permissions to 777 (chmod 777 *)
You could simply do something like the following:
$ chmod 777 inc/db-conf.php
$ chmod 777 inc/driver-conf.php
Answered By - Progrock Answer Checked By - Marie Seifert (WPSolving Admin)