Mongo version 5.0.2. Ubuntu 20.0
I have enabled security for MongoDB connection in my local host. I am trying to connect my localhost MongoDB using authentication details by below commands
mongo admin -u ADMIN_1234 -p "PASSWORD_1234" -host localhost:27017
mongo admin -u ADMIN_1234 -p "PASSWORD_1234" -host
mongo admin -u ADMIN_1234 -p "PASSWORD_1234"
mongo admin -u ADMIN_1234 -p PASSWORD_1234 -host localhost:27017
mongo admin -u ADMIN_1234 -p PASSWORD_1234 -host
mongo admin -u ADMIN_1234 -p PASSWORD_1234
but below error, I am getting for all the above commands. not able to connect to mongodb
connecting to: mongodb://localhost:27017/admin?compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb
Error: couldn't connect to server localhost:27017, connection attempt failed: SocketException: Error connecting to localhost:27017 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused :
exception: connect failed
exiting with code 1
User either -u
or --username
. For host
you have only long version, i.e. -h
does not exist, it is used for "help". Use one of these ones (I prefer localhost
rather than
mongo -u ADMIN_1234 -p PASSWORD_1234 localhost:27017/admin
mongo -u ADMIN_1234 -p PASSWORD_1234 --authenticationDatabase admin localhost:27017
mongo -u ADMIN_1234 -p PASSWORD_1234 --host localhost --authenticationDatabase admin
mongo -u ADMIN_1234 -p PASSWORD_1234 --host localhost --port 27017 --authenticationDatabase admin
or use the connection string URI
mongo "mongodb://ADMIN_1234:PASSWORD_1234@localhost:27017/admin"
Answered By - Wernfried Domscheit Answer Checked By - Mary Flores (WPSolving Volunteer)