Monday, February 21, 2022

[SOLVED] How can I use angular-supported library in React?


I find difficulty in using ('cron-editor') library in my React project. What can I do after installing it by npm i cron-editor? The following is a guide using in Angular application but what I want is to use it in React:

  1. Import the module in your own module:
      import { CronEditorModule } from "cron-editor";

         imports: [..., CronEditorModule],
      export class MyModule {
  1. Use the component in your html code:

    <cron-editor [(cron)]="cronExpression"></cron-editor>

  2. That's it, you're done!

Thanks a lot for any help!


Am pretty sure you cant.

"cron-editor is library that helps the user graphically build a CRON expression (quartz format only) in an Angular application. It is a fork of angular-cron-gen for AngularJS, ported to Angular 2+ and heavily improved."

Am pretty sure its Angular specific.

Answered By - Niels Lucas
Answer Checked By - Candace Johnson (WPSolving Volunteer)