I've worked with gphoto2 (2.5.20, on a RPi) before, and have been able to do the basics from the command line:
/usr/bin/gphoto2 --capture-image-and-download --filename=zzz.jpg --force-overwrite
/usr/bin/gphoto2 --capture-preview --filename=zzz.jpg --force-overwrite
The latter captures the preview image, which is a great deal smaller, and for some applications, is great; you can essentially make a webcam out of a DSLR.
However, after installing the gphoto2 library for python, this (which should be the equivalent) fails:
import gphoto2 as gp
camera = gp.Camera()
file_path = camera.capture(gp.GP_OPERATION_CAPTURE_PREVIEW)
with the message "gphoto2.GPhoto2Error: [-6] Unsupported operation"
If you choose
file_path = camera.capture(gp.GP_CAPTURE_IMAGE)
however, this works. Any reasons why we might get a working preview from the command line, and not in the Python version?
returns 2.2.2 , and matches the latest release at
I drilled down into the libgphoto2 source. The cameras I have fall under the PTP world; I believe this is in camlibs/ptp2/library.c, where the camera_capture_preview function is located. The Python code fails with both a Nikon and Sony. There do seem to be two things in the code which point to possible issues; in the Nikon section, it will try 20 times to get the preview; in the Sony section, there are comments regarding timing. However, the command line works, so the problem may not have been there.
I looked at the gphoto2 implementation in Python as well. The good news is that the code at works, so if anyone wants to do this in Python, they can replace the
file_path = camera.capture(gp.GP_OPERATION_CAPTURE_PREVIEW) line
with the code there.
Note that this worked on the rPi with gphoto2 (2.5.20); on an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS system, this fails (gphoto2 is 2.5.9).
Answered By - asylumax Answer Checked By - Mary Flores (WPSolving Volunteer)