Tuesday, February 1, 2022

[SOLVED] Differences between mkvirtualenv and virtualenv for creating virtual environments


I am new to Python virtual environments. Previously I was using the virtualenv command to create virtual environments, but I came across to a tutorial using mkvirtualenv to create a virtual environment.

What is the benefit of mkvirtualenv over virtualenv, and how they are different?


virtualenv is a tool that allows you to create isolated Python environments, which can be quite helpful when you have different projects with differing requirements.

mkvirtualenv is command under virtualenvwrapper which is just a wrapper utility around virtualenv that makes it even easier to work with.

For detailed ref:

  1. http://www.silverwareconsulting.com/index.cfm/2012/7/24/Getting-Started-with-virtualenv-and-virtualenvwrapper-in-Python

  2. https://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Answered By - Abijith Mg
Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (WPSolving Admin)