I'm compiling a code which has GCC library extra separately added. While compiling it with clang error
cannot compile
is showing
I've tried added flags. -std=89gnu
does not work with a clang. After some inspection found the same function in compiler file.
BUILTIN(__builtin_init_dwarf_reg_size_table, "vv*", "n")
gcc/unwind-dw2.c:1336:3: error: cannot compile this __builtin_init_dwarf_reg_size_table
That's a really weird error message, can you put the full one here? Also, I'm surprised that you want to compile libgcc with clang, I don't think anyone has really tried before. Some better repro instructions would help though as this seems to work:
echristo@jhereg ~/tmp> cat foo.c
char x[16]; void a() { __builtin_init_dwarf_reg_size_table(x); }
echristo@jhereg ~/tmp> clang -S -o - foo.c --target=x86_64-linux-gnu
.file "foo.c"
.globl a # -- Begin function a
.p2align 4, 0x90
.type a,@function
a: # @a
# %bb.0:
pushq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
.cfi_offset %rbp, -16
movq %rsp, %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
movb $8, x
movb $8, x+1
movb $8, x+2
movb $8, x+3
movb $8, x+4
movb $8, x+5
movb $8, x+6
movb $8, x+7
movb $8, x+8
movb $8, x+9
movb $8, x+10
movb $8, x+11
movb $8, x+12
movb $8, x+13
movb $8, x+14
movb $8, x+15
movb $8, x+16
popq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8
.size a, .Lfunc_end0-a
# -- End function
.type x,@object # @x
.comm x,16,16
.ident "clang version 9.0.0 ( b669fea42f5c2a5b203c3f0da2a6b04b90bfd5a7)"
.section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits
.addrsig_sym x
Answered By - echristo Answer Checked By - Terry (WPSolving Volunteer)