Sunday, February 20, 2022

[SOLVED] CAN-shield with MCP2515 on Raspberry Pi 4 B with Ubuntu


I would like to run a CAN shield with MCP2515 controller connected to a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B. It already worked under Raspbian but because I need ROS2 I want to run it under Ubuntu (20.04) now. Here it does not work anymore.

What I did was editing /boot/config.txt and adding the following lines:


But ifconfig can gives

can: error fetching interface information: Device not found

The problem seems to be very similar to this one: The spi-bcm2835 module is not shown as output of lsmod and dmesg has this entry:

[    1.428843] spi-bcm2835 fe204000.spi: could not get clk: -517

Is this a general problem of Ubuntu on the Raspberry Pi? If so, is there a workaround for this issue?


For ubuntu the boot partition is mounted under /boot/firmware with 3 files: config.txt, syscfg.txt, and usercfg.txt. The usercfg.txt is included by config.txt and is recommended to bearing user customized configuration. So saving your lines in usercfg.txt instead should make it works



candump by can-utils

Answered By - Xinjue Zou
Answer Checked By - Pedro (WPSolving Volunteer)