Working within a directory of two thousand plus of text files, I need to replace a certain string in each of those text files from "template.cmp" into "actualfilename". For example, for a file like mdgen.cmp, I need the original string of "template.cmp" to be changed to "mdgen".
I have tried the following command to no avail:
sed -i 's/template.cmp/$(basename)' ./*
Any idea how I can get around this?
Inside single quotes, $(basename)
is just a static string. If you want to run the command basename
, you need double quotes, and you need to pass it an argument, or two arguments if you want to trim the extension. Guessing a bit what you are actually trying to do, something like
for file in *; do
sed -i "s/template\.cmp/$(basename "$file" .cmp)/" "$file"
Notice also how the dot in the regex should properly be escaped with a backslash or by putting it in a character class [.]
; an unescaped .
matches any character at all.
Answered By - tripleee Answer Checked By - Marilyn (WPSolving Volunteer)