I have created an EC2 instance and a Classic Load Balancer in AWS CDK using typescript. But I'm unable to add that EC2 instance directly to that Load balancer.
this.Instance= new ec2.Instance(this, 'my-Instance', {
instanceType: new InstanceType(instanceType),
and load Balancer
this.Elb = new LoadBalancer(this, 'my-ELB', {
crossZone: true,
internetFacing: false,
I'm looking to add this ec2 instance to this load balancer using something like this:
but there isn't any such property available.
This finally worked for me. Putting it here so that no one else wastes as much time as I did in figuring this out.
expects a string array of instance IDs. (read here)
const elbObj = this.elb.node.defaultChild as CfnLoadBalancer;
if (elbObj) {
elbObj.instances = [(this.jenkinsInstance.instanceId).toString()];
Answered By - Deepanshu Kalra Answer Checked By - Timothy Miller (WPSolving Admin)