normally I use this kind of script (this is part of a larger bash script) to connect my pc to a static-ip pc and run a jupyter notebook remotely:
sudo fuser -k 8881/tcp
echo 'Port 8881 is free now'
ssh -N -f -L localhost:8881:localhost:8888 $username@$servername
read -p 'SSH Tunnel created - Press enter to continue'
ssh $username@$servername 'nohup jupyter notebook --no-browser --notebook-dir="$notebookdir"'
echo 'Please, wait some seconds.'
$nohup $browser http://localhost:8881/
And it works. But now I need to access a third pc that have a dynamic ip and I cant use services like dyndns. One good solution is to create a simple VPN like was done here
This means that I have to do in the remote pc (dynamic-ip pc):
ssh -R 20000: user@RemoteHost
On my local pc (which also have a dynamic-ip):
ssh -L 8000: user@RemoteHost
And finally, if I do:
ssh -p 8000
This creates the "VPN". But now I'm a little lost on how to run the jupyter notebook forwarding a port in away that I can use the jupyter notebook of my remote pc on my local browser, using the remotehost with static-ip as a bridge.
Any suggestions or tips are welcome. Thank you.
You could simplify it with your ~/.ssh/config
on your local pc
HOST remotehost
hostname remotehost.tld
user myuser
Host thirdparty
hostname localhost
port 20000
LocalForward 8081 localhost:8080
ProxyJump remotehost
Now you can do a simple
ssh thirdparty "nohup jupyter notebook --no-browser ..."
ssh -N thirdparty
$nohup $browser http://localhost:8881/
If you ssh to thirdparty
this will use the remotehost as a jump box (ProxyJump) and the LocalFoward in the config automatically builds up the port forwarding to your jupyter notebook
Answered By - jeb