I have a folder with a bunch of files. In some of those files there is a line like this
id = "8c09e1ce-56b6-4aa5-8307-8998f507b594"
I want to write a command that will generate new unique values for all those id
I have a sed
command that will match the original line 's/id = \"[a-zA-Z0-9-]\{36\}\"//g'
but I don't know how I can dynamically get the substitution working.
There are a few StackOverflow questions that are similar (like this one) but I couldn't get the solution to work reliably across OSX and Linux which is one of my requirements. They all have uuidgen
installed though.
Something concise and readable would obviously be preferred.
For in-placing editing with sed
's -i
option, there is no cross-platform syntax that works without creating a backup file, as explained in this answer of mine (you must use either -i ''
(BSD/macOS) or just -i
(GNU), but with creation of a backup file something like -i.bak
does work with both implementations).
That said, awk
is the better tool for this task anyway, because Awk scripts allow invoking shell commands and external utilities on demand:
find . -type f -name '*.extension' | while IFS= read -r fpath; do
awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS=" = " }
$2 ~ /^\"[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\"$/ { "uuidgen" | getline uuid; $2 = "\"" uuid "\"" }
' "$fpath" > "$fpath.tmp" && mv "$fpath.tmp" "$fpath"
This assumes that filenames have no embedded newlines, which is rarely a real-world concern.
The command uses only POSIX-compliant shell features, utilities and options, with the exception of:
- the
utility, which, however, is available on both Linux and macOS, as well as FreeBSD and its variants.
- the
Sadly, Mawk (which is Ubuntu's default Awk) doesn't support duplication expressions such as
, which is why the less specific+
is used above; if you know that you'll be using only either BSD or GNU Awk, however, you can still use{36}
.The command supports replacing multiple UUIDs in each input file.
On a side note: GNU Awk v4.1+ allows in-place updating with -i inplace
, similar to Sed's -i
option, which would allow for a single-command find
solution with -exec
, but neither BSD Awk nor Mawk support it.
Answered By - mklement0 Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (WPSolving Admin)