I pushed my Laravel project on my OVH server through SFTP.
And now I'm trying to use command lines on my ssh connection, but something doesn't work, it looks like I am in a text editor. When I try commands, connection will close.
PS C:\Windows\System32> ssh xxxxx
Enter passphrase for key 'C:\Users\xxx/.ssh/id_rsa_xxx':
Welcome to OVH
Connection to closed.
What did I miss?
I worked on Linux, so developing on Windows is quite new for me. I'm using PowerShell 7.1.4 & Windows 10.
You need to change your FTP user settings on the server side.
In your case, the SSH connection setting is on SFTP
but you need to change it to Enable
or ON
image of ovh ssh user settings (fr).
Wait a few minutes that the changes on the server applies, and then you can connect using your shell with the command ssh username@server
(remplace username and server with your data).
Answered By - John_Underscore