How can I pass content-length eg. --header Content-Length:1000
in curl command.
I used it like this in command but it did't work
curl -v -X POST -u "" \
--header "Content-Length: 1000" \
--header "Content-Type: multipart/mixed" \
--header "X-REQUEST-ID:7fc7d038-4306-4fc5-89c3-7ac8a12a30d0" \
-F "request={\"bumId\":\"d51f2978-5ce8-4c71-8503-b0ca438741dd\",\"fileType\":\"imageFile\"};type=application/json" \
-F "file=@D:/file.pdf" \
This command posts file to a web services developed in Jersey Java
You can use -d ""
causes CURL to send a Content-Length: 0
see Header 'Content-Length: 0' is missing when I do curl -X POST $URI
Answered By - fangxing