I have a file that has marked sections with a ** preceding the title like this, containing various questions:
What kind of food do pigs eat?
Where to koalas live?
Who made the world's largest pizza?
Where is cheese made?
What kind of bread is popular in France?
Given the question as a variable, such as "Where is cheese made?" how can I return the name of the section that question is found under, e.g. "Food" would be the output?
Could you please try following.
awk -v var="Where is cheese made?" 'index($0,var) && !/^\*\*/{print val;next} /^\*\*/{sub(/^\*\*/,"");val=$0}' Input_file
We could mention variable -v var="...."
which you want to look and print its respective **
line's value.
Adding a non-one liner form of above solution.
awk -v var="Where is cheese made?" '
index($0,var) && !/^\*\*/{
print val
}' Input_file
Explanation: Adding explanation for above code here.
awk -v var="Where is cheese made?" ' ##Starting awk program here and mentioning variable named var whose value if whereis cheese made?
index($0,var) && !/^\*\*/{ ##Using index out of the box function of awk programming to get a match of variable var in current line and making sure line is NOT starting from *
print val ##Printing variable val here.
next ##next will skip all further statements from here.
/^\*\*/{ ##checking condition if a line starts from * then do following.
sub(/^\*\*/,"") ##Substituting starting ** with NULL here.
val=$0 ##Creating variable val whose value if current line.
}' file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.
Answered By - RavinderSingh13