I have a folder with 64 items in it, numbered like this: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 2-1 … What I want to do is grep the file 1-1 for a specific pattern, have the output saved to a new file named 1-1a, then move on to file 1-2, and so on. The pattern stays the same for all 64 files.
I tried variations with find
and -exec grep 'pattern' "{} > {}a"
but it seems like I can't use {} twice on one line and still have it interpreted as a variable. I'm also open to suggestions using awk or similar.
Should be easy with awk
awk '/pattern/{print > FILENAME "a"}' *
In order to use find, replace *
with the results of a find
awk '/pattern/{print > FILENAME "a"}' $(find ...)`
... but do that only if the file names do not contain special characters (e.g. spaces) and the list doesn't grow too long. Use a loop in these cases.
Answered By - steffen