I tried installing CygWin64, but I cannot find any executables to build my code with in the C:\cygwin64 directory created.
I tried Win-Builds but the setup doesn't load with any mirror I give it. It tries to connect 3 times then aborts.
I tried MinGW-W64-Builds, but I cannot figure out how to install it. I can see a .sh file there, but I believe that is for Linux, so I do not know why because it says it is for Windows
Is there even a way to use 64-bit GCC on Windows? I am trying to tie it to a Code::Blocks IDE as that one only comes with the 32-bit version of MinGW.
Check out out the MinGW-w64 + GCC personal build at No installation required, just unzip. Examples on how to use are on the site, including on how to integrate with Code::Blocks IDE.
Answered By - Brecht Sanders