I am trying to make a calculator with a bash script. The user enters a number, chooses whether they wish to add, subtract, multiply or divide. Then the user enters a second number and is able to choose whether to do the sum, or add, subtract, multiply or divide again on a loop.
I cannot rack my head around this right now
echo Please enter a number
read number
echo What operation would you like to perform: 1: Add, 2: Subtract, 3: Multiple, 4: Divide
read operation
case $operation in
1) math='+';;
2) math='-';;
3) math='*';;
4) math='/';;
*) math='not an option, please select again';;
echo "$number $math"
echo Please enter a number
read number2
echo What operation would you like to perform: 1: Add, 2: Subtract, 3: Multiple, 4: Divide, 5: Equals
read operation2
case $operation2 in
*)math2='not an option, please select again';;
echo You have selected $math2
exit 0
This is what I have done so far, but can anyone help me work out how to loop back on the calculator?
The lesser-known shell builtin command select
is handy for this kind of menu-driven program:
while true; do
read -p "what's the first number? " n1
read -p "what's the second number? " n2
PS3="what's the operation? "
select ans in add subtract multiply divide; do
case $ans in
add) op='+' ; break ;;
subtract) op='-' ; break ;;
multiply) op='*' ; break ;;
divide) op='/' ; break ;;
*) echo "invalid response" ;;
ans=$(echo "$n1 $op $n2" | bc -l)
printf "%s %s %s = %s\n\n" "$n1" "$op" "$n2" "$ans"
Sample output
what's the first number? 5
what's the second number? 4
1) add
2) subtract
3) multiply
4) divide
what's the operation? /
invalid response
what's the operation? 4
5 / 4 = 1.25000000000000000000
If I was going to get fancy with bash v4 features and DRY:
PS3="what's the operation? "
declare -A op=([add]='+' [subtract]='-' [multiply]='*' [divide]='/')
while true; do
read -p "what's the first number? " n1
read -p "what's the second number? " n2
select ans in "${!op[@]}"; do
for key in "${!op[@]}"; do
[[ $REPLY == $key ]] && ans=$REPLY
[[ $ans == $key ]] && break 2
echo "invalid response"
formula="$n1 ${op[$ans]} $n2"
printf "%s = %s\n\n" "$formula" "$(bc -l <<< "$formula")"
Answered By - glenn jackman Answer Checked By - Willingham (WPSolving Volunteer)