I am trying to deploy code from GitLab to the EC2 instance. However, I am getting the following errors when I run the pipeline
/home/gitlab-runner/.ssh/config: line 1: Bad configuration option: \342\200\234host
/home/gitlab-runner/.ssh/config: terminating, 1 bad configuration options
Here is my .gitlab-ci.yml file that I am using.
- QAenv
- Prod
Deploy to Staging:
stage: QAenv
- QA
# Generates to connect to the AWS unit the SSH key.
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- echo -e “$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY” > ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# Sets the permission to 600 to prevent a problem with AWS
# that it’s too unprotected.
- chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- 'echo -e “Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\n” > ~/.ssh/config'
- bash ./gitlab-deploy/
name: QAenv
# Exposes a button that when clicked take you to the defined URL:
Below is my file that I have set up to deploy to my server.
# !/bin/bash
# Get servers list:
set — f
# Variables from GitLab server:
# Note: They can’t have spaces!!
array=(${string//,/ })
for i in "${!array[@]}"; do
echo "Deploy project on server ${array[i]}"
ssh ubuntu@${array[i]} "cd /opt/bau && git pull origin master"
I checked my .ssh/config file contents and below is what I can see.
ubuntu@:/home/gitlab-runner/.ssh$ cat config
“Host *ntStrictHostKeyChecking nonn”
Any ideas about what I am doing wrong and what changes I should make?
The problem is with.
ubuntu@ip-172-31-42-114:/home/gitlab-runner/.ssh$ cat config
“Host *ntStrictHostKeyChecking nonn”
Because there are some Unicode characters here, which usually comes when we copy paste code from a document or a webpage.
In your case this “
char specifically you can see in the output as well.
replace that with "
and check for others in your config and update should work.
There are more details in this question getting errors stray ‘\342’ and ‘\200’ and ‘\214’
Answered By - samtoddler