I've installed an Icecast server and Ezstream. I'm having problem moving the listeners of a /live.mp3 broadcast (from SAM broadcaster mp3 encoder) to another mountpoint called /autodj.mp3 that loops a playlist when the no broadcaster is online. When I press "move listeners from /live.mp3 to /autodj.mp3 the music on the player that is on /live.mp3 stops. I've tried many modification on the xml files but I can't locate the problem. I hope there is someone out here who has dealt with a similar problem.
My ezstream .xml is:
<url> </url>
And my mount configuration on icecast.xml
If forgot to mention that also the "fallback" from /live.mp3 to /autodj.mp3 doesn't work either. I'm new to Icecast, so be gentle if I have made a begginer's mistake.
After week I found out that SAM Broadcaster was having different encoder than the ezstream. So I downloaded and installed LAME encoder on Sam and my server. Then I installed madplay on the server for decoding. Finally added this lines on my ezstream xml:
<decode>madplay -b 16 -R 44100 -S -o raw:- "@T@"</decode>
<encode>lame --preset cbr 128 -r -s 44.1 --bitwidth 16 - -</encode>
Answered By - Γιώργος Χατζηθανάσης