I'm trying to create a mount point using Powershell. it's done locally, and here is the code & issue i'm having.
$choice = "t"
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "E:\Data\Riptide\Ariis\Ris\Docs\interPrimary1\"
$orgdrive = "E:\Data\Riptide\Ariis\Ris\Docs\interPrimary1\"
$driveLetter= $Choice + ":\"
$driveinfo=get-wmiobject win32_volume | where { $_.driveletter -eq $choice + ":" } | select-object DeviceID
Mountvol $orgdrive $driveinfo
When executed, I get that the parameter is incorrect.
Thanks in advance.
You just have to try :
mountvol $orgdrive $driveinfo.DeviceID
For the future you can test :
$driveinfo| Get-Member
You can find here a tool that allow you to test the command line parameters.
Answered By - JPBlanc