I want to SSH to my containers created in an Azure App Service. These are Linux based containers and used Docker Compose to deploy these to Azure App Service.
I have followed the article to enable SSH. For one of the container (Container A) I am able to SSH (exposed port 2222, 80 for this). But I would like to SSH to other containers (Container B) too. I have exposed another port 2223 for Container B and followed the same steps in that document. When I try to access them using the command ssh [email protected] -p 2223, I get the error Connection Refused. But the command ssh [email protected] -p 2222 works for the Container A and I am able to see the Dotnet process running for the API in that Container A when I run the Top command
After further research, I found out that we cannot SSH to multi container. Currently Azure supports SSH to public facing container only. Based on this link its planned by Azure App Service team!
Answered By - Manu