I recently discovered that some of my favorite libraries have been removed from Debian, e.g., Hunchentoot:
For a while now most Common Lisp projects do not do releases anymore, our plan is to move to proving a cl-build like environment inside debian
I've looked at the mailing lists and Debian Common Lisp homepage and not found anything else mentioning this.
Is there a standard way I'm supposed to be installing/upgrading libraries like Hunchentoot now? I can ASDF-install it, but now I'm dealing with 2 package systems, with their own verification system, etc. I'm using Debian specifically to avoid that mess.
The first question of the ASDF-install FAQ (which doesn't have a very solid answer) is "After you have installed some packages with asdf-install, how do you keep them up to date? This can be hard to do even manually", so I guess I'm not alone in finding this an unsatisfactory solution.
(Asked here instead of SU or SF because I think it's equally applicable to all three, and SO has the most traffic.)
On anything but Gentoo (which has a very well maintained Lisp overlay), I would use clbuild for now. I have the hope that XCVB will be usable soon.
Answered By - Svante