I am trying to make dos shell which displayes a unix/linux promt. The code is:
@echo off
set tmpdrv=%cd:~0,2%
if %homedrive% == %tmpdrv% (
set drvmatch=1
) else (
set drvmatch=0
set "MYSTRING=abcdef!%%^^()^!"
set MYSTRING=%homepath%
(echo "%MYSTRING%" & echo.) | findstr /O . | more +1 | (set /P RESULT= & call exit /B %%RESULT%%)
set tmppath1=%cd:~2%
CALL set tmppath2=%%tmppath1:~0,%STRLENGTH%%%
if %homepath% == %tmppath2% (
set homematch=1
) else (
set homematch=0
set homepathmatch=0
if %homepath% == %tmppath2% (
if %homedrive% == %tmpdrv% (
set homepathmatch=1
if %homepathmatch%==1 (
CALL set newpath=%%tmppath1:~%STRLENGTH%%%
set newpath1=~%newpath%
set newpath2=%newpath1:\=/%
net session >nul 2>&1
if %errorLevel% == 0 (
set "username2=root"
) else (
set username2=%username%
set /p %command%="%username2%@%computername%:%newpath2%$ "
goto :hi
I want it to display directory name like in unix/linux but it displays a ~
. What is wrong in my code? Can you please help me improve it?
Probably not quite on the ball with the prompts specific situational substring modification, but the Method of setting the Prompt is.
@ECHO OFF & Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion & TITLE %~n0
cls & MODE 1000 & CD %userprofile%\desktop
For /F "tokens=* Delims=\" %%A In ("%userprofile%") Do (
Set "C_Prompt=%%A"
Set "C_Prompt=!C_Prompt:\=!"
Set "C_Prompt=!C_Prompt:Users=!"
For %%A in (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) Do (Set "C_Prompt=!C_Prompt:%%A:=!")
Set DirPath=:!CD:\=/!
For %%A in (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) Do (Set "DirPath=!DirPath:%%A:=!")
Set "C_Prompt=!C_Prompt!@!computername!!DirPath! $$ "
prompt !C_Prompt!
Start /B cmd.exe
The above does not refresh the command prompt with the working directory, however will result in commands behaving as expected without expansion issues.
Answered By - T3RR0R