I created a completion function inspired by How to Create a Custom Bash Completion Script (which has some obvious errors but I corrected these) and in a newer version on GitHub.
# bash_completion_test
# from
# and
echo 'Begin bash_completion_test...'
# test definitions
_args=(add list remove)
list_args=(student teacher)
list_student_args=(age grade name)
list_student_grade_args=(-a -o --another --option)
# Generic hierarchical completion
function generic_hierarchical_completion_test() {
local arguments word_list_ptr word DEBUG
echo -n '␃🖕' > $log # clear log file
DEBUG= #true # set variable for debugging info in log file
[[ $DEBUG ]] && echo -n > $log
# Array of individual words in the current command line
# see
[[ $DEBUG ]] && echo "COMP_WORDS=${COMP_WORDS[@]}" >> $log
# Second word to last word in the current command line
[[ $DEBUG ]] && echo "arguments=${#arguments[@]}:${arguments[@]}" >> $log
# Remove last empty word from arguments
[[ "${#COMP_WORDS[@]}" -gt 1 ]] && unset 'arguments[${#arguments[@]}-1]'
[[ $DEBUG ]] && echo "arguments=${#arguments[@]}:${arguments[@]}" >> $log
# Create word list pointer variable from arguments while replacing spaces with '_'
unset IFS
[[ $DEBUG ]] && echo "word_list_ptr=$word_list_ptr" >> $log
[[ $DEBUG ]] && echo "word_list=${!word_list_ptr}" >> $log
# -W <word list from variable indirected by word_list_ptr>
# COMP_CWORD: An index into ${COMP_WORDS} of the word containing the current cursor position.
# see
[[ $DEBUG ]] && echo "word=$word" >> $log
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${!word_list_ptr}" "$word" ) )
complete -F generic_hierarchical_completion_test ct
echo 'End bash_completion_test.'
echo ">> $# arguments: $*"
This works well until $ ct list student grade
If I $ ct list student grade
TAB the result is $ ct list student grade -
. So far so good.
If I $ ct list student grade -
TABTAB the expected result is:
$ ct list student grade -
--another --option -a -o
But now it's becoming @§$%&!
If I $ ct list student grade --
TAB the result is $ ct list student grade -
, i.e. the trailing hyphen is removed.
If I $ ct list student grade -a
TABTAB it shows all the options correctly but all my aliases in addition (one of them is alias a=alias
$ ct list student grade -a
--another --option -a -o .. a b bp c df kc ll ls x
If I $ ct list student grade --a
TAB I get an error:
$ ct list student grade --abash: compgen: --: invalid option
compgen: usage: compgen [-abcdefgjksuv] [-o option] [-A action] [-G globpat] [-W wordlist] [-F function] [-C command] [-X filterpat] [-P prefix] [-S suffix] [word]
How can I handle short '-...
' and long '--...
' options correctly?
How can I handle short '-...' and long '--...' options correctly?
You have to separate compgen options and word.
compgen -W "<words>" -- "$word"
Guideline 10:
The first -- argument that is not an option-argument should be accepted as a delimiter indicating the end of options. Any following arguments should be treated as operands, even if they begin with the
signals the end of options and disables further option processing. Any arguments after the--
are treated as filenames and arguments.
Answered By - KamilCuk