can someone clarify if to use dokku need to use another rsa key?
For exemple:
to login to the server we use, id_rsa key, right?
I've tried to use the same key to push the repo to dokku and at some point the dokku ask for the password
[email protected]'s password:
and even added the right password still no log in.
So someone can clarify if we have to create another key just for dokku?
It is a best practice to use a different ssh key dedicated to where you want to push.
That way, if one private key is compromised, it is only a problem from one remote server access, not all of them.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -P "" -C "dokku access" -f ~/id_rsa_dokku
That will generate
and id_rsa_dokku
Then you need to register your public key to the dokku server.
If you skip that, then SSH would fallback to username/password, which is why you see a password request in your case.
Answered By - VonC