I'm very new to lftp, so forgive my ignorance.
I just ran a dry run of my lftp script, which consists basically of a line like this: mirror -Rv -x regexp --only-existing --only-newer --dry-run /local/root/dir /remote/dir
When it prints what it's going to do, it wants to chmod a bunch of files - files which I grabbed from svn, never modified, and which should be identical to the ones on the server.
My local machine is Ubuntu, and the remote is a Windows server. I have a few questions:
- Why is it trying to do that? Does it try to match file permissions from the local with the remote?
- What will happen when it tries to chmod the files? As I understand it, Windows doesn't support chmod - will it just fail gracefully and leave the files alone?
Many thanks!
Use the -p option and it shouldn't try to change permissions. I've never sent to a windows host, but you are correct in that it shouldn't do anything to the permission levels on the windows box.
Answered By - markdjones82