Friday, October 29, 2021

[SOLVED] Objective C - Write png file to remote file share


I want to move a png file from user's Mac desktop to a mounted Windows file share. I can't seem to be able to make the remote path work with the code I'm using.

NSFileManager *filemgr;
filemgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

 if ([filemgr copyItemAtPath: stringFilePath  toPath: @"/NameOfFileShare/Path/To/Folder/FileName.png" error: NULL]  == YES)
 NSLog (@"Copy successful");
 NSLog (@"Copy failed");

I've tried many variations of the remote file path. I can use the code above successfully if paths are local. How can I move a file to a remote share???


Mac OS (OS X) loads the network drivers under /Volumes alongside other drivers. Therefore your code should look something like this:

NSFileManager *filemgr;
filemgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

if ([filemgr copyItemAtPath: stringFilePath  toPath: @"/Volumes/NameOfFileShare/Path/To/Folder/FileName.png" error: NULL]  == YES)
NSLog (@"Copy successful");
NSLog (@"Copy failed");

Pay attention to the path that starts with /Volumes

It should work now.

Answered By - Rojan Gh.