This is my crontab file (after crontab -e
50 6,14,22 * * * php /var/www/web_hdef/public/artisan run:handler
0 6,14,22 * * * php /var/www/web_hdef/public/artisan run:endomondo
30 6,14,22 * * * php /var/www/web_hdef/public/artisan run:update
but it doesn't run and after crontab -l
in command line I got:
hp /var/www/web_hdef/public/artisan run:updatedo(8)
I ran commands separately a they works
in nano editor
I didn't see all of signs in text file, when I openned it in vim editor
, I saw that there are extra white spaces. I removed it and now it works.
Answered By - Karol Bilicki