I want to run sshpass
command from my Windows to remote Linux server. I use this command:
sshpass -p 'password' ssh -l root -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
But my cmd return below error statement:
'sshpass' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I think this is because Windows don't have sshpass
package as Linux do. From Linux I have to install sshpass
package to be able to run this command.
Is there anybody know how to run sshpass
command through Windows command line?
You cant run sshpass in windows. You can however use putty via the windows command line, to achieve the same thing.
putty -load "host" -l username -pw password
Also you can upload files via command line (with a password) using WinSCP
winscp /command "option batch abort" "option confirm off" "open sftp://user:[email protected]/" "put examplefile.txt /home/user/" "exit"
Answered By - Jay Shepherd