Newer versions of Conda provide the user with more detailed information about inconsistent packages casuing conflict with the environment. One such package in my conda env is the _nb_ext_conf
which according to anaconda cloud, is the latest 0.4.0 installed in my system and even then I'm receiving this warning when trying to install/update a module:
The environment is inconsistent, please check the package plan carefully
The following packages are causing inconsistency:
- defaults/osx-64::_nb_ext_conf==0.4.0=py36_1
This package cannot be removed, since its required by jupyterlab as well as notebook. I'm not sure if it's causing serious conflict since I haven't yet experienced anything getting broken, but I would still want to resolve this inconsistency. Is there a way I could fix it? I searched for similar questions in conda's issues section in github, but did not come across anything similar.
conda install anaconda
It may solve the problem.
If that doesn't work, run conda install package_name
for the inconsistent packages to let conda try to restore consistency.
Else, run conda update --all
Answered By - Gonçalo Peres 龚燿禄