Wednesday, October 27, 2021

[SOLVED] How do I make R use HTML help on Debian?


I am use R 2.14.0 on Debian Squeeze. I am running R in the terminal. Currently when I type ?myfunction , the help page is displayed in the terminal. I would like for the help page to be displayed in my web browser instead, just like on Windows (or Fedora). How do I do this? I have tried typing help.start() but it did not do anything.

UPDATE: I got it working once, then it stopped working. I added the following lines to $R_HOME/etc/.Rprofile



It worked once. Then stopped.

help.start() now launches the browser. However, ?someFunction only launched the browser once and has now reverted to the in-terminal help.



For a single query, use the help_type argument to help(), like this:

help(myfunction, help_type="html")

To set the help type for the current R session, set,


Finally, to change the default help type for all R sessions, add the following line to your file, located in $R_HOME/etc/ (or to one of the other .Rprofile files described in ?Startup):


Answered By - Josh O'Brien