Friday, October 29, 2021

[SOLVED] "pythonw.exe entry point not found" when running spyder in an environment


Error Notification:

The proceduce entry point ?PyWinObject_AsWriteBuffer@@YAHPEAU_object@@PEAPEAXPEAKH@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Users\Admin\anaconda3:ibrary\bin\pythoncom38.dll

I was using virtualenv to create an environment for my Python project instead of using "anaconda navigator" because it takes me too long to switch and run spyder in it. So I installed spyder inside my environment with pip install spyder and ran spyder via my env prompt. The error message appears and, although it's still working, it's kind of annoying. What is the problem, and how I can fix it?


I'm having the same issue, and I've tested all new installations via pip that will encounter this issue. It seems the problem is related to creating the virtual environment on Windows OS.

As Ten Kho posted, the only error message is a pop-out window that says entry point error.

I fixed the problem by install scoop (guide can be found here, and use scoop to reinstall python on windows. This fixed the pythoncom38.dll issue for me.

Answered By - Mingxuan Chen