I'm trying to pass the script as the --user-data parameter.
If the same is run through --user-data file://
all works. Also, it works if launch instance through AWS GUI by adding user-data in the correspondent launch configuration box.
My CLI command is
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-0cc0a36f626a4fdf5 --count 1 --instance-type t2.micro --key-name key_name --security-group-ids sg-00000000 --tag-specifications "ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=some_name}]" --output table --user-data "sudo touch /tmp/install.log && sudo chmod 777 /tmp/install.log && echo $(date) >> /tmp/install.log"
if the same run as a script, it's content formatted as below
sudo touch /tmp/install.log
sudo chmod 777 /tmp/install.log
echo $(date) >> /tmp/install.log
Also, I'd like to mention that I tried to pass string in different formats like :
--user-data echo "some text"
--user-data "command_1\n command_2\n"
--user-data "command_1 && command_2"
--user-data "command_1; command_2;"
--user-data "#!/bin/bash; command_1; command_2;"
User-data after launch is seeing but not executed
$ curl -L
The first line must start with #!
Then, subsequent lines are executed. They must be separated by a proper newline. It looks like \n
is not interpreted correctly.
From how to pass in the user-data when launching AWS instances using CLI:
$ aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-16d4986e --user-data '#!/bin/bash
> poweroff'
As an experiment, I put this at the end of the run-instances
aws ec2 run-instances ... --user-data '#!
echo bar >/tmp/foo
When I logged into the instance, I could see the /tmp/foo
Answered By - John Rotenstein